Weekly Wrap-Up 04/08/16

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Catch up on what I purchased, what I've read, and what's coming soon...

Upcoming:  This weekend is the Los Angles Times Festival of books and I am beyond excited! I went last year and was completely overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do with myself. This year, I have scoped out the schedule and have more of a plan. Look for updates on Instagram and Twitter!

Incoming: Although I was trying for a (book) spending freeze during the month of March, I caved at the last minute and bought three books since last week from Barnes and Noble.

Negroland: a memoir by Margo Jefferson

I must have seen three articles about this book. It went on my to-read list immediately, and I hope I'll get to it soon. Even if I don't read it for another year, buying it so soon after publication gets me a hardback book with a dust jacket. They may be a bit pricey, but they hold up much better for me as someone who carries a book in her purse constantly.

David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

This is his latest book, a look at how the little guy can sometimes overcome huge odds to beat the giants they come up against. I have three other books by him and haven't read any of them. I have read some of his magazine work for the New Yorker, and I've heard him give interviews about his research and writing. My favorite was actually an old episode of Star Talk Radio with Neil deGrass Tyson. You can listen to it here.

She's Just Not That Into You by Aryka Randall

I love to pick up a short book because honestly, they always make me feel like I'm a fast reader. (Note: I'm not.) Having no clue who Aryka Randall was or what I would find in this book written for black lesbians, I bought it on a whim.

Currently Reading:

Sister CitizenA Mighty Long WayThe Parable of the Sower


She's Just Not That Into You by Aryka Randall

I don't know if adorable is what the author was going for, but this love and dating guide with a mix of handwritten and typed text made me feel like a teenager again (or early aged adult). You can read my full review here.


*Weekly Wrap-Up is my Friday post and summarizes why bookish week. This is where you can find a rundown of the books I acquired and what books I finished. Sometimes, I'll also include articles of interest.*