Recommendsday at Black and Bookish

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This week's recommendations feature both award-winning novelists and newcomers of the genre. Although some have similar themes, the books all stand on their own. Read on in this week's Recommensday Wednesday.  


I Almost Forgot About You by Terry McMillan. (368 pages. Crown Publishing. Released June 2016.) Writing about the lives of black women is the brand of McMillan. In her new novel she gives breath to Dr. Georgia Young. A woman who "has it all," isn't happy, and when she decides to give it all up, she learns more about herself than she every imagined. This novel proves it's never to late to live the life you want.


The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. (320 pages. Doubleday Publishing. Released August 2016.) Announced yesterday as Oprah's most recent book club pick, this story follows a slave girl and her journey through the Underground Railroad. Another seasoned and award-winning writer, Whitehead gives a raw account of the pre-Civil War era. Plus, Oprah read it.

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. (320 pages. Knopf Publishing. Released June 2016.) This is Gyai's first novel and is also the Litsy Book Club choice for August. Known for her short stories, her book about two sisters and their separate lives in 18th century Ghana is one you need to add to your shelf. Effia and Esi are born in two separate villages, leading one to riches and the other to rags. Ta-Nehisi Coates called it inspirational. Don't count this as just another slave narrative either; Gyasi creates a moving tale of West Africa and the Americas. 

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