Top Ten for the Weekend (07/15/16)
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The events of the past few weeks have rocked us to our core. The police killing of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge.Philander Castile killed by police in Minnesota. 5 Dallas police officers killed during a peaceful protest by a rogue sniper. Families attacked yesterday in Nice, France during a nationalist holiday.
I am feeling overwhelmed with a mix of thoughts and emotions, but also some numbness has fallen over me. I have been having trouble expressing myself in various ways and my writing has suffered since July 9th.
Many of us understand these incidents are not isolated but still feel helpless just the same. Body cams and social media videos now come at us in real time. We haven't had a "breather" in a while. Where does that leave us?
In this edition of Top Ten for the Weekend, I wanted to share some thoughts of other writers. This includes frustrated posts and tips on self-care. This list of articles is a way to show we are not alone, and everyone can heal in their own time.
Other Writers Express Their Frustration and Loss
Alton Sterling and When Black Lives Stop Mattering An op-ed by Roxane Gay and how we have become accustom to this type of state-sanctioned violence.
Obama Has Failed Victims of Racism and Police Brutality A think piece by Cornel West about the Obama Administration and it's resistance to tear down racist polices.
Why Highways Have Become the Center of Civil Rights Protest The Washington Post gives us an overview as to why these places have become protesting hotspots.
Changes Are Coming
Black Lives Matter Founders Describe 'Paradigm Shift' In The Movement An interview expressing how one hashtag is changing the way we look at the world.
The Black Lives Matter Founders Are Among the World's Greatest Leaders These three women have become leaders in their own right.
Andre Lorde Thought of Self-Care as an "Act of Political Warfare" An interview between Sarah Mirk and Evette Dionne on how Audre Lorde's thoughts on self-care is really a way to recharge and fight even better.
Tips On Self-Care and How You Can Help Those Around You
9 Ways to Cope with Racism and Trauma A short list of self-care options.
Mental Health Resources for Black Teens Read advice from a mental health expert on what you can do to cope with trauma in the news.
Advice for White Folks in the Wake of the Police Murder of a Black Person How to be an ally when POC need it most.
18 Books Every White Ally Should Read Texts that can give you a better understanding of what's going on and how POC are feeling.
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Remember- Reading can change your mind, loving can change your heart. Be safe out there.