Sorry I've Been Gone (Friday Reads)
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Seen on our way to the park
Friday Reads is a social media hashtag that connects people by talking about the books they're reading as we head into the weekend. I like to use it as a roundup of the books we spent the week with, which includes authors of all heritages.
“In order to rise
From its own ashes
A phoenix
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Guys, I got sick. Not with the flu, thank goodness, but I was unable to do anything. My husband took some time off from work to help me out with the girls and I spent most of last week in bed. My girls were also sick and stayed in. I don't read much when I'm unwell so I didn't finish most of my books. That doesn't mean that I didn't start some new ones...
I did switch it up a little and added some graphic novels to the mix. I also found more young adult novels to read. I'm really into science fiction right now.
Currently reading
Black Panther The Young Prince: The movie comes out today but for those who may be a little young, this book might be a good introduction.
Women Who Dared: Astrid is really into this right now. The illustrations are bright and inviting. Like with Little Leaders, its a great collection to have.
The Magicians: I love the show on Syfy so I thought I would check out the book.
Recently FInished
Saga Vol 1-3: I had heard of this series before, but I quickly picked it up once someone on Instagram suggested it. I am really enjoying it. Mind you is offensive and full crazy space would buidling, but it's amazing. There are currently 8 volumes in this series.
Want an even more comprehensive look at what I'm reading? This isn't the whole list!
Check out my Goodreads page at
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About the Author
Black & Bookish is the brainchild of Antoinette Scully, educator and lover of all things bookish. She is on a quest to fill your bookshelves with beloved authors of the African Diaspora. When she's not hanging out on line, she's living it up as the mother of two rambunctious girls and wife of a local filmmaker.